Parking Deck Inspection – Our Precast Concrete Parking Deck Showcase
Published on May 17, 2019 by Structural Innovations in Parking Deck Structural Inspections

Job Profile:  Parking Deck Inspection Location:  Charlotte, NC Capacity: 1,144 vehicles Construction type:  Precast concrete Description: The parking deck is a three-story precast concrete parking deck.  The deck structure is approximately 425’-1” wide x 286’-0” long and was initially constructed in 2011.  Structural Innovations Engineering & Consulting was retained to provide a visual observation on […]

A Comprehensive Glance at Parking Deck Maintenance
Published on May 20, 2014 by Structural Innovations in Parking Deck Structural Inspections

Parking decks are unique structures subjected to some of the harshest conditions any building may ever face. By their very nature, parking decks are continually exposed to the elements and experience routine wear and tear from use. It is critical owners and operators of parking decks develop a routine maintenance program with a structural engineer […]